The present and future of post production business and technology

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.6

Version 1.0.6 of 7toX for Final Cut Pro was released into the App Store today with these changes:

  • Bug fix for XML exported from Premiere Pro
  • Bug fix for XML exported from Inqscribe
  • Bug fix for SD Anamorphic clips
Yes, that’s a different fix for Premiere Pro FCP 7 XML export!
We have also identified (and fixed today) an issue with still images that shows them as black, or as way too short. That fix will be in 1.0.7 almost ready to submit to the App Store. Unfortunately that’s taking about a week these days.






2 responses to “7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.6”

  1. David

    Hi Phil !
    Do you guy plan to support freeze frames in 7toX someday ?

    I mean: wouldn’t be too complicated to automate export a still with correct resolution for each freeze frame… I do it MANUALLY and it’s… a chore !-)

    1. Philip

      No, we do not plan to support freeze frames because we can’t! There’s no mechanism within FCP 7 for use to automate the export, and from the XML we cannot access FCP’s engine to make the still frame. So for the forceable future (probably forever) the manual method has to suffice. Sorry.