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Flash For Smartphones Is Finally here – and it’s terrible?

Flash For Smartphones Is Finally Here, And It Is Terrible

Apparently the performance is good for games but in a browser it’s as bad as Steve Jobs predicted.

Of course, this is beta software – both the version of Android OS and Flash 10.1 for mobiles – so this isn’t the final form we should judge, but you’d thing, if this is the killer aspect over the iPhone, Google and Adobe would want to show something that deflected Mr Jobs’ criticism.

PocketNow recently put a Nexus One with Android 2.2 through a series of speed tests against an iPhone 3GS and and HTC HD2 running Opera for Windows Mobile. The Nexus One outperformed the other phones by a comfortable margin — but only when Flash was disabled.

With Flash enabled, the Nexus One was the slowest of the three phones.

Speed isn’t the only problem with Flash in Android. A snap review from Gizmodo on Thursday pointed out that it’s also a huge battery drain, and outside of sites specifically optimized for mobile, isn’t yet all that reliable.