Item of Interest

Porn Industry Weighs In On Flash vs HTML5 Video

HTML5 is already winning in adult content because of “mobile devices”

Porn Industry Weighs In On Flash vs. HTML5 Video Debate

And of course, by mobile devices not playing Flash well, that would be all but the most recent release of Android. Since there’s a demand for adult content on portable devices (let’s just say iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad have some influence here) the producers have been following the market and:

While the whole Flash vs. HTML5 video debate started making headlines a few months ago, the porn industry had already been a long time HTML5 video user.  Why?  Because they wanted to push their content to mobile devices and Flash caused too many issues.  Or as Ali Joone, founder of Digital Playground (a porn giant) stated “HTML5 is the future”.

Yes, increasingly the future – and for simple video playback we’re good to go as soon as we get some agreement among browsers or browser share changes – but right now there are some areas where Flash shines (streaming and rights management in particular are of interest to video distributors).

The former is under control and real time HTML5 streaming is nearly a reality. The other should be dealt with by changing business models instead of trying to King Canute-like hold back the inevitable tide of change.

3 replies on “Porn Industry Weighs In On Flash vs HTML5 Video”

This is nothing but SPIN Phil.
I saw this “Crap” a while ago. Sure they want to be on the iPad blah blah, but give them the chance of DRM, and they want it big time. If it makes $$ sense.

I know you hate DRM, but when you have content that has a limited shelf life and keeping it “Walled” as long as possible DOES make a difference to the bottom line.

If it can be pirated easily it will be, and then its making some one else money, not the producer. If they can reduce that from happening. They WILL do it.

Especially if its easy and cheap, which it will be sooner or later.

For example, Adobe should make its DRM license server open source. Ad the in built Torrent capabilities of Flash 10.1
If that happened, imagine the democratization of payed for content. How easy it would be to do it yourself. You a web server and a paypal account.

This is actually one of the reasons why I say Flash will always stay relavent as I see Adobe eventually doing this to stay relavent. It cannot be done on a Open standards based technology like HTML5 video.


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