Item of Interest

5 Actions You Want Every Video Viewers to take.

From find your video to share your video.

5 Actions You Want Every One Of Your Video Viewers To Take

A good basic reminder that we actually want people to do something when we post a video:

  1. Find it
  2. Start playing
  3. Finish playing
  4. Convert – do something as a result (like buy your product)
  5. Share

Now, this is just my list.  You might group these behaviors differently, and that’s completely valid.  But don’t lump all these actions in together as one, because they all have different triggers and they all have a different impact on your overall success.  Additonally, don’t assume these actions will take care of themselves.  Put yourself in the mind of the viewer.  Not just any viewer, but the specific kind of viewer this video is created for.  And ask yourself what would cause you to click ‘play,’ and then to complete the clip, to perform a conversion action, or to share it with friends.