Item of Interest

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 4

Format wars, native vs transcode, “new code” and a way to prsent a concert video.

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 4

This week Terence and Philip start in on format wars and how we deal with them, particularly acquisition formats vs editing and delivery formats. Is native better? Terry tells us about Super LoiLoScope, which apparently can play anything.

Discussion moves to the advantages of “new code” and the role of Randy Ubilos at Apple.  Then on to the relative merits of ProRes and DNxHD codecs, including “offline” quality. Plus working from multiple sources.

Then conjecture on what happens if we took all the metadata (including location) for cameras from a concert, and let every person watching switch their own view, which leads to discussion of latency.

Eventually the discussion reaches iMovie on iPhone and the role of location metadata.