The present and future of post production business and technology

7 Things “Dexter” Taught Me About the Future of TV

7 Things “Dexter” Taught Me About the Future of TV

I think the seven trends Will Richmond identified  through his experience with catching Dexter seasons 1 & 2 on iPad, are truly indicative. He explains each in detail, but here they are:

  1. The term “reruns” is obsolete – as is thinking Netflix is just for reruns;
  2. Data is king (real data about consumption way beyond Nielsen)
  3. The bar for advertisers is getting higher. More alternatives that are not advertising supported. (Again, see Netflix!)
  4. TV is personal and portable. Perhaps the biggest change of all along with:
  5. The concept of “scheduling” is upside down – count me as one of the “binge consumers”.
  6. Packaged media is dead.
  7. TV Everywhere is absolutely essential for pat-TV operator’s success, but they’ll manage to find a way to make it not work, and get beaten by, yes again, Netflix!



