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Event Manager X 1.2: Now with Sets and Horizontal configuration option

From its simple beginning as the first third-party Final Cut Pro X application, Event Manager X has evolved into a complete Event and Project Library management tool. The 1.2 release adds Sets: saved combinations of Events and Projects for instant reload based around projects or clients.

By default Final Cut Pro X will show you all  Events and Projects on all mounted storage devices. Apple offer a manual answer in their support document “Final Cut Pro X: Hiding Events in the Event Library,” but there is no way to keep track of Events or Projects not visible or on unmounted storage devices, nor any way to quickly bring up a Set combination of Events and Projects that match a particular job, or are related to the one client.

Event Manager X does all this and much more. You see the full state of the mounted storage devices, including hidden Events and Projects; see the Events and Projects on unmounted storage devices; and have the ability to control combinations of Events and Projects as Sets for easy reconfiguring between ongoing projects or clients.

Event Manager X allows you to:

* Quickly manage which Events and Projects are visible using simple checkboxes
* Filter through your library to find specific Events or Projects
* Use Sets to recall combinations of related Events and Projects (by job or by client)
* Keep track of hidden (but mounted) Events and Projects
* Keep track of unmounted Events and Projects
* View date created for all Events and Projects in Event Manager X
* See folder label colors applied in the Finder to Event and Library folders
* Check that all storage devices that hold needed Events are correctly mounted
* Detects and warns the user about permissions problems on external storage devices
* Switch from vertical view matching Final Cut Pro X, or horizontal view to better use widescreen real estate.
* Never suffer the embarrassment of an Event or Project showing to the wrong client
* Launch Final Cut Pro X faster with fewer active Events in the Event Library

Event Manager X 1.2 is a free update for all Event Manager X customers. Event Manager X is available from AssistedEditing.com for $4.99.

We tried to sell it through the Mac App Store but it doesn’t meet their guidelines and is unlikely to ever be able to.






15 responses to “Event Manager X 1.2: Now with Sets and Horizontal configuration option”

  1. Charlie

    Very nice! Would be cool to be able to lock/unlock sets. I made a few, and inadvertently selected a couple events/projects not in the set I was working in. Took me a while to figure out why the same stuff was loading in different sets. Clearly i should have done it in the Current State set, but I was in a hurry. Basically asking for a a negligent operator button. lol Just keeps getting better though, Thanks!

  2. Currently it looks like Expression Engine is the top blogging platform out there right now.

    (from what I’ve read) Is that what you are using on your blog?

    1. Philip

      Never heard of Expression Engine. The most popular blog platform and the one I use, is WordPress.

  3. MohaHoufi

    J’ai acheté “Event Manager X” ce matin et je n’ai pas eu le numéro de série pour l’activer.. Depuis le matin j’envoie des message à “Intelligent Assistance Store” et je ne reçois aucun message d’eux ni explication ni aide pour que je puisse activer Event Manager.. Est-ce normal. Est ce qu’il y a d’autres qui ont eu le même problème ,

    1. Philip

      Nous sommes une petite entreprise de seulement deux et nous dormons! Les numéros de série sont envoyés par courriel automatiquement après la transaction se termine, mais un très petit nombre se laisser prendre à filtrage de spam sur le chemin vers le récepteur, et nous devons renvoyer manuellement, ce qui je crois que nous avons déjà fait ce matin.

  4. Thomé

    J’ai acheté Event Manager X il y a quelques mois et je voulais s’il était possible de faire un update pour la 1.2 ?
    Merci par avance pour votre réponse.

    1. Philip

      Tout ce que vous devez faire est de “Check for Updates” dans les Préférences. 1.2 est une mise à jour gratuite. (Thanks Google Translate)

      1. Thomé

        Merci pour votre réponse, et bravo pour votre travail.

  5. Olli

    How can I create sets? Do I have to restart fcpx in order to work ?

    1. Philip

      If you’re working with Event Manager X then all the instructions for creating and using Sets is in the help guide. On page 2 under “how does it work” is this:
      You can create Sets: combinations of related Events and Projects. Turn on the checkboxes for the items you want to include in the Set and click the “plus” button to add the new named Set to the popup menu. The first Set above the separator line (called Current State by default) represents the Events and Projects currently active in Final Cut Pro X. This Set can be renamed but cannot be removed. Choose a different Set from the popup menu and the checkboxes change to the active ones you’ve saved in that Set. You can rename the Set and change the active checkboxes in the Set by clicking the “pencil” button.
      Tip: To find a Project’s referenced Events, select it in the Project Library and view the Inspector’s Properties panel. The Events and their storage devices are listed under Referenced Events.

      1. Olli

        Thank you!