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Has the Supermeet Agenda stolen Avid’s thunder?

Now that the agenda is up for the Supermeet next Tuesday at the RIO, I can’t help wonder if the Supermeet team haven’t accidentally revealed part of Avid’s announcements?

“Editor Misha Tenenbaum will discuss production from an editor’s point of view and explore his use of the AMA plugin architecture with Sony XDCam HD and Canon EOS 7D cameras for his new show, Handicapped John.”

AFAIK AMA  (Avid Media Architecture) does not support 7D footage in the current release. Now it’s possible that is just a little careless in the wording and what is really meant it “use of the AMA plugin architecture with Sony XDCAM HD, and how he also used the Canon EOS 7D camera for the show” – two separate thoughts. Or else, Avid have an awesome feature coming up that will smooth DSLR workflows and propel them to the lead of the pack.

More on Avid after their press event on Sunday – I’ll be doing a special report for the NAB Show BuZZ and analysis here.

The rest of the Supermeet Agenda is A-mazing: Avid, Adobe and Apple on the same agenda – a world first I beleive.

3D – lots of 3D and much more. Definitely the place to be Tuesday night.

Check out the full agenda at



