Item of Interest

Good article on the low cost of H.264 licensing.

Good article on H.264 patent licensing costs that should put to rest any lingering concerns:

Essentially: stop worrying about it and continue being creative.

The biggest fear I’ve heard expressed from opponents of the H.264 standard and advocates of competing standards is cost. But are those fears justified? I’ve taken a closer look at the legal and technical documents involved, and I’m convinced that those fears are vastly overblown. As I explain below, the cost per user is literally pennies, and there’s already a cap in place that guarantees the rates won’t rise more than 10% in the future. (As a side note, I completely understand and sympathize with the objections that some people have to software patents in general. But here in the real world, those patents exist and are routinely enforced in courts, at great cost to the participants.)