Item of Interest

Episode 5 of The Terence and Philip Show

What to do if you’re starting out now and why Advertising is a bad deal 4 all

Episode 5 of The Terence and Philip Show

Terry and I talk about “What to do if you’re starting out now” in production or post, and why Advertising is a “bad deal for everyone” and what the alternatives are. The growth of Internet broadband and what’s happening in Australia coming full circle back to what to do if you’re starting out now. Around 20 minutes this week.

One reply on “Episode 5 of The Terence and Philip Show”

A bit OT, but a guy I freelance for is finally putting his 4:3 Betacam, and 4:3 Sony field monitor up for sale on E-Bay. He joked that if he had a Hot Tub Time Machine he could go back in time and get a decent price. I always say today’s cool box is tomorrow’s piece of sh%#t.

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