The present and future of post production business and technology

Light Peak “ready to go” says Intel

Light Peak “ready to go” says Intel

So Light Peak was going to be all Fiber but delayed, so now we “only” have a copper version that puts 10 Gpbs. To put that in context:

eSATA is 3 Gbps

Fiber Channel is evolving from 4 to 6 Gbps

FireWire is currently at best 800 Mbps

USB 3 – still becoming established – is 3 Gbps.

A single Light Peak connector could cary the same data as three USB 3 connectors, while carrying the data from a FireWire 800 interface as well, because Light Peak has been designed to carry all these (and Ethernet) data types (apparently simultaneously).

And suddenly you no longer need a tower model in your lineup that has space for internal cards: now everything connects via one or more Light Peak connectors. Imagine a future laptop that has a single Light Peak connector with optional adapter or break-out box to whatever connectors an individual user might need. I’d take an adapter that gave me a USB 3 for storage, another for HD-SDI  ingest and a couple of FW 800 ports. Someone else might just want to run a 6Gbps adapter to the current Fiber Channel storage network.

It really doesn’t matter whether you”re using a laptop design with 2 or 4 cores, or a compact box housing two six-core processors and attendant RAM, once you add one or two Light Peak ports to the host design (and power) you like and you have access to faster-than-you-need connectivity, whatever connectivity you need.

And you have a very, very elegant laptop with only one or two very small connectors. What company is it that really likes simplicity and elegance in its designs?



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3 responses to “Light Peak “ready to go” says Intel”

  1. Marcus R. Moore

    THIS is why I’m waiting for this year’s MacPro update, and why I’m not planning on investing in many more FireWire drives until I see if Lightpeak hits this year.

    VERY exciting.

  2. Mark Petereit

    I’ll get excited when I can connect my iPad2 to my HD video camera via Lightpeak, turning the iPad2 into a 1080p preview monitor WHILE it records my HD video in ProRes.

    1. We’ve all got to have a dream, otherwise, how will your dream come true? (Apologies to Bloody Mary, South Pacific)