Interesting Technology Item of Interest

Artificial Intelligence tool analyzes Bible for Authors.

What interests me more is the alternate uses suggested.

Artifician Intelligence tool analyzes Bible for authors

As well as the work done on Bible analysis, which turns out to be about 90% congruent with the work of scholars over recent centuries, it also has uses for:

Research of this kind has potential applications for law enforcement, allowing authorities to catch imposters or to match anonymous texts with possible authors by identifying linguistic tics. Because the analysis can also help identify gender and age, it might also allow advertisers to better target customers.

The new software might be used to investigate Shakespeare’s plays and settle lingering questions of authorship or co-authorship, mused Graeme Hirst, a professor of computational linguistics at the University of Toronto. Or it could be applied to modern texts: “It would be interesting to see if in more cases we can tease apart who wrote what,” Hirst said.

The algorithm might also lead to the creation of a style checker for documents prepared by multiple authors or committees, helping iron out awkward style variations and creating a uniform text, Hirst suggested.

Anything that enhances the computer’s ability to understand and interpret in human ways is interesting to me, in the context of Assisted Editing – taking the boring out of post.