Distribution U., coming to NY and LA http://bit.ly/cVEsfV
Very few events get my unqualified endorsement but I attended Distribution U last year and learnt a lot and thoroughly recommend it to anyone that is even considering doing independent distribution.
In fact, go to any Conference or Seminar where either Scott Kirsner or Peter Broderick are speaking: they’re always interesting.
The event has a couple objectives:
– Let filmmakers connect, find new ways to collaborate, and help one another succeed.
– Talk about what’s changing in terms of funding, distribution, and audience-building, with actual examples and case studies, rather than theoretical predictions.
– Hear directly from filmmakers about what they’ve done successfully with their most recent films to get them seen by a large audience, and earn a solid return. (We also talk about what didn’t work, and wasn’t worth the time or investment.)Â
– Enable participants to sit down with industry experts for small group lunch conversations on very specific topics, like working with the media and bloggers… understanding the way VOD deals work… organizing theatrical screenings that make money… and more.
– Provide ideas and strategies to several filmmakers in the audience, as part of an on-stage brainstorming session.
– Get participants charged up and excited about new possibilities, as opposed to depressed about how things are changing.