The present and future of post production business and technology

Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • AI and the Music Video

    Whether or not Artificial Intelligence can ever be creative is an ongoing question. In the Unreal blog they highlighted a project Words, camera, action: Creating an AI music video with Unreal Engine 5. As is usually the case with creative projects, it was a collaboration between human creators and a multiplicity of Machine Learning ‘algorithms’…

  • Five AI Tools you can use right now

    If you’ve used Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro or Blackmagic Resolve you are already using some Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning tools. Final Cut Pro is catching up with the others in their use of Machine Learning tools in their NLEs. It’s likely that some of these stand alone tools, or features from them, will migrate into…

  • Speaking at Entertainment & Artificial Intelligence Event in Montreal

    I just got back from Montreal with my brain full of thoughts about AI. Sharing these with you and looking forward to your reflections. Please feel free to comment back!

  • Adobe and Now it makes sense!

    When introduced Camera to Cloud I thought it was brilliant, but the level of technology that was required to implement it, led me to think that it was only for the “high end” of production, an area out of my experience. While often lucrative, that’s a fairly finite market, and I doubted C2C would…

  • Amplifying Individual Music Composition

    Amplifying Individual Music Composition

    Three new tools use Machine Learning tools to compose music. Two with a gamified interface for free form composition, and the other a browser based custom music track creation tool, reminiscent of SmartSound, but with computer instruments. ToneStone describes itself as a :musical creativity platform for everyone” and appears to be browser based. I say…

  • AI and Copyright: How many opinions (and a little outrage) do I need?

    AI and Copyright: How many opinions (and a little outrage) do I need?

    I recently read the article Art Created By Artificial Intelligence Can’t Be Copyrighted, US Agency Rules, which is an examination of the ruling by the US Copyright Office refusing to grant copyright to “creations” by an AI/ML: in this case images created by a Machine. These were deliberate test cases to determine the possibility of…

  • Creating People and Places as we want them

    Creating People and Places as we want them

    Storytelling has always been about painting pictures – in people’s mind or on a screen somewhere. One of the significant challenges for visual storytellers is creating the people and places from the storyteller’s imagination, into a more tangible medium, like digital bits! Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are dramatically simplifying the way we…

  • We’re Getting Closer to ‘Mind Reading’

    We’re Getting Closer to ‘Mind Reading’

    While NVIDIA’s Canvas isn’t reading minds, research projects suggest we are moving toward being able to capture images from brain waves, or even hear internal voices. These research projects are a very long way from the premises of that first sentence, but advances happen so quickly it won’t be long before they move out of…

  • Creativity gets a new Canvas

    Creativity gets a new Canvas

    One of my deep regrets is that I have no native sketching skills, nor have I taken the time to learn, so it’s always a challenge when I have a mental picture that I’d love to visualize. Enter NVIDIA Canvas, which turns “simple” brush strokes into realistic landscape images.

  • The Future of Locations and Talent is Unreal

    The Future of Locations and Talent is Unreal

    If the primary focus of my career was on creating visual stories, the most important skill set I could acquire would be a full and deep understanding of Unreal Engine. I do not have that deep understanding, but recognize that Unreal is going to revolutionize narrative filmmaking.

Got any book recommendations?