Category: Career
The Terence and Philip Show Episode 82: What Do You Get Paid For?
When I wrote yesterday’s blog post on Aging Out, I had completely forgotten this episode of The Terence and Philip Show we recorded back in February. Turns out it couldn’t be more relevant. In this show we discuss the important role of professional skills and experience. They discuss the difference between having the tools, knowing how…
Aging Out?
Why are hard won skills being ignored?
How do we Survive the Unexpected and Unpredicted?
Career disasters are inevitable. How do we survive them?
The Terence and Philip Show Episode 81: Are Editor’s Introverts
Or more importantly, why do introverts make good editors? Episode 81: Are Editors Introverts?
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
A few weeks ago we published an episode of The Terence and Philip Show dealt with Imposter Syndrome. Yesterday I came across an article on 21 Ways to Overcome Imposter SyndromeÂ that seemed like a logical follow on! I think I mentioned it on the show, but one of the most important things when getting introduced…
The Terence and Philip Show Episode 77: Imposter Syndrome
Terence Curren and I are back with a new episode of The Terence and Philip Show, where we talked about Imposter Syndrome and the need to keep going through failure. Episode 77: Imposter Syndrome
Artificial Intelligence and Design
Design in the era of machine learning has to take into account issues of transparency and accuracy.
Success requires failure!
A new article in the Scientific American tells how creativity is really a numbers game.
The Terence and Philip Show: Episode 69
Where we talk about adapting to change.
When do we jump to new technology or workflows?
At what point should we make the jump to new technology or workflows, given we have to still deliver on time and on budget.