Assisted Editing Interesting Technology Machine Learning

Transcription Services: State of Play

A few years ago, we considered supporting transcripts in Lumberjack System. At the time our goal was to quickly prepare for an edit, and transcriptions took days and cost serious money.

Two years ago we supported the alignment of time-stamped transcripts to Final Cut Pro X Clips and a year ago, introduced “magic” keywords, derived by a cognitive service. Since Lumberjack doesn’t (yet, I might emphasize) support a speech to text service internally, what are the options and what do they tell us about the state of play for transcription in April 2017?

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Lumberjack Metadata Presentations

STV Klaassen: Special Thanks to Lumberjack and Sync-N-Link X

As you probably all know, I have two day jobs heading Intelligent Assistance Software and Lumberjack System. We’re very proud of the work we’ve done through both companies. We make a decent income from them for sure, but what makes us particularly happy when our tools get people’s work done faster. They get to go home to their families earlier and production has less drudgery.

So it pleases us greatly when that gets recognized, as it did this trip.

Assisted Editing

New Website

We just published a new version of the It was time! Each of our host apps – Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro 7 – has their own tab on the home page, and customized app pages.

While I expect computers to take on more and more of the pre-editing functions, we’re losing the Assisted Editing branding. It made sense when we first used it. Back then we had books, training products, The Digital Production BuZZ as well as the software.

The BuZZ went to Larry Jordan, we discontinued our training products and the books rightly came here to my personal site.

So, Intelligent Assistance Software, Inc makes metadata based workflow tools for Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro 7. That’s all we do. As a company.

Greg and I are also behind, of course.

Both this new site and are built using Adobe Muse, which I really like for this type of sales brochure website. In both sites, store functions are outside the Muse site.

Assisted Editing Interesting Technology Metadata The Business of Production

Google adds to smart APIs

Google today launched a new API to help parse natural language. An API is an Application Programming Interface, that developers can use to send data to, and get a response back. Natural Language Parsing is used to understand language that is available in computer-readable form (text). Google’s API joins an increasingly long list of very smart APIs that will understand language, recognize images and much more.

A lot has changed since I last wrote about Advances in Content Recognition late last year.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Lumberjack Metadata

Final Cut Pro X Creative Summit 2016 Discount

The Final Cut Pro X Creative Summit is on again in October this year.

Three days of cutting-edge training on the latest FCPX and Motion.
Hear directly from Apple Product Managers. Learn from top industry experts.

Apparently I slip in as an ‘industry expert’ with these sessions

10:30am Saturday Using Transcripts in FCPX
10:30am Sunday    Production Kit in a Bag

Greg and I will also be showing the Intelligent Assistance Software apps, and will have some amazing things to show with Lumberjack System.

Use this discount code to save $125.
Use this discount code to save $125.

Assisted Editing Interesting Technology Item of Interest The Technology of Production

Which technological innovation will take your job?

We’re all aware that technology changes the workplace. Jobs disappear; sometimes to be replaced by other jobs that didn’t exist before. During the industrial revolution we were replacing manual labor with machines. The coming revolution is for white collar “knowledge” jobs. How soon will yours be among them?

Assisted Editing Lumberjack

Intelligent Assistance and Lumberjack System Apps ready for El Capitan

OS X 10.11 “El Capitan” is about to be released to the public. All the Intelligent Assistance apps required updates to support the new OS, so be sure to update your apps in the App Store before you upgrade to El Capitan!

Apps from our own store have also been updated. Each of the non-App Store apps has a Check for Updates… item under the app’s main menu. If there’s a new version available it’ll download and install itself for you.

Lumberjack System’s Lumberyard and backLogger apps have been updated for El Capitan. Download from within the app before upgrading to El Capitan. The iOS Logger app has been tested against iOS 9 and requires no updating.

Assisted Editing

Assisted Editing featured in Light Iron ‘Focus’ Event Videos

My day job is with both Intelligent Assistance, and Lumberjack System. Intelligent Assistance was featured at a recent event on the Focus workflow hosted by Light Iron. The videos have just gone up.

Intelligent Assistance’s involvement starts about 10 minutes into the first workflow video.

And the mention of my Conquering Metadata book is in Part 2 at 3’40”

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Lumberjack

NAB 2014: Find me and some new announcements

It always seems that NAB is about the nights when the social activities start. Sure, NAB is an important professional event, but if I’m honest my primary motivation is to see friends I only see at NAB. Because I tend to research industry trends continually through the year and because I’m still on many people’s announcement lists from my BuZZ days, it’s only the surprise announcements that are new to me.

This year I’ll be at the FCPWORKS demo room at the Wynn with some new features for Lumberjack System and our workflow apps. Other than that I’ll be on the show floor Wednesday and at some social engagements during the week.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

A year in Software Releases

As is usual at this time of the year, Greg tallied up our software releases for the year. Well, more accurately his software releases, as I do not write the software. Surprisingly, we’re still updating software for Final Cut Pro 7.